NCAAB predictions & previews (2024)


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Free College Basketball Picks & Predictions - Today's Best NCAAB Bets

At Winners and Whiners, we provide a panel of experts to analyze and predict all the sports action every day. Thewinter season brings our free College Basketball picks and predictions. Winners and Whiners provide an in-depthanalysis of each night’s CBB games. All these picks come to you free!

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Each day, Winners and Whiners’ experts will have all the picks for all the latest CBB games. Our experts providestrong opinions and data to support their picks for each game hours before the opening tap each day or night.

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One of the most popular ways to bet on College Basketball is against the spread. Our experts will provide predictionsand expert analysis on whether or not you should take the points or give up the points to win your bet. Will yougive the points and take a heavy favorite like the Duke Blue Devils? Or would you take the points and hope anunderdog like Loyola Chicago can cover the spread?

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If you don’t want to wager using the spread, you can also bet CBB games using the moneyline. A moneyline is simply abet type that only includes odds, as in “odds to win.” Example: A moneyline of +150 is just +150 odds ($100 to win$150) for the listed team to win. A moneyline of -150 is just -150 odds ($150 to win $100) for the listed team towin.

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For example, you can use the Winners and Whiners experts’ picks to put together a College Basketball Playoff parlay,a $25 parlay wager on both the Indiana Hoosiers and Creighton Bluejays to win their respective games would provide alarger payout than a single team wager at the same price.

College Basketball Point Totals

If you are unsure of the winner, our experts at Winners and Whiners will also give you their prediction on theover/under for each CBB game. The over/under is a bet on the total number of points combined by the two teams in thegame. Our experts will break down each team’s recent trends in points scored, and the ranks of each team’s defense,and use historical data to come up with sound advice on the over/under. Winners and Whiners experts even analyze thepace of play for each team to help you make an informed decision on that particular game’s point total.

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Winners and Whiners free college basketball picks are posted daily and will be there for your review by 8:00 AM theday of each game. You’ll have plenty of time to peruse our experts’ picks and decide which bet to make.

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NCAAB predictions & previews (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.